Tuesday, June 30, 2009

True Blood

Oh it is so good. The second season is continuing on with the same greatness the first season had. I just wish I had HBO so I could watch it when it first comes on instead of having to downl...go downtown to a friends place and watch it on his DVR. That is what I do. Also, I bet if you did some fancy editing and took out all the gore, violence and fangs you would have a hilarious soap opera for youtube.

On an entirely different note, stemming from my use of "a hilarious" in that past sentence instead of "an hilarious", I really don't understand why an is used before words starting with H. Every other time "an" is used it makes sense because it allows for a smoother flow between the words than "a" does. But wait...my research over at Yahoo has brought much needed insight to my dilemma. I like the second response best which says that "an" is often used before words in which the H is silent, such as herb or hour. This makes sense to me. But I still must protest against people who say or write things such as "an historic event". It doesn't make any sense.

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